P R I V A C Y     P O L I C Y


C O O K I E S    P O L I C Y


We care about your privacy. Therefore, we collect and process your data only if necessary, and only if you provide us with it yourself.

If you have any questions or concerns about the information contained in this Policy or other issues related to the processing of personal data by the Administrator, please contact us at the address: hello@privatina-shop.com.


This Privacy Policy defines the principles of privacy protection (i.e. the principles of collection, use, processing and protection) of personal data of the users of the online shop available at the electronic address WWW.PRIVATINA-SHOP.COM (hereinafter referred to as the "Online Shop", “Shop” or “Store”), as well as the scope of the Online Shop's use of so-called Cookies.

We processes the user's personal data in accordance with applicable laws, in particular Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

Who is the administrator of your data?

The administrator of your personal data provided on the website of the Online Shop or when using the Social Media platforms belonging to the Online Shop, in particular the data you provide us with when placing an order, registering you in the Shop or when subscribing to the Newsletter is:

Privatina LTD with registered seat in London, E20 1BD, PO BOX : 7324, UK  contact: hello@privatina-shop.com, (hereinafter: „Seller” or „Administrator”).

What data does the Shop collect and can I refuse to provide data?

We collect only those personal data which the user will provide himself, e.g. during the ordering process, or when subscribing to our e-mail.

Viewing our Store's website does not require registration or providing any personal data.

Providing personal data is voluntary. However, refusal to provide personal data may hinder or completely prevent the execution of an order or some of the services offered by the Administrator. For example, failure to provide your name, surname and e-mail address will make it impossible to place an order (and thus to conclude a contract), while in the case of the Newsletter service, failure to provide e-mail will make it impossible to send it.

What are your rights in relation to the Administrator's processing of personal data?

As the data subject, i.e. the user whose personal data we process, you have the right:

  • to have access to your personal data;
  • demand the correction of your personal data;
  • to demand the deletion of your personal data (e.g. if there are no grounds for processing) or to restrict its processing;
  • to object to the processing of the data;
  • transfer your data in accordance with Article 20 GDPR;
  • revoke your consent to the processing of your data if your consent was the basis for the processing by the Administrator, and
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.


All requests in this respect can be made directly to the Administrator, in a form convenient for you, e.g. by e-mail, through the contact form, by post. Please remember that these rights are not absolute and do not apply to all processing of your personal data. In order to know the limitations of your rights, we recommend that you read Articles 16-21 GDPR.

Each time you make such requests, we will answer to it within one month, duly justifying further actions resulting from our legal obligations.

Irrespective of the above, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. In this case, however, we encourage you to contact the Administrator in advance to clarify your concerns.

You can also always ask the Administrator to provide you with information about what data the Administrator holds about you and for what purposes he processes it (right of access to data).

Notwithstanding the above, in order to explain to you the rules of data processing in more detail, below we will try to describe what rights you have in relation to your data processed by the Administrator for the purposes also indicated below.

For what purposes, on what legal grounds and for how long do we process your personal data?

Your personal data is not processed automatically (no profiling).

We only process your personal data for the following purposes and on the legal basis indicated below:

Realization of orders placed in the Store

In order to place an order in the Shop, we will ask you to provide the data necessary to complete the order, such as name and surname, billing / shipping address, e-mail address (where we will send the order confirmation), as well as a telephone number (voluntarily) to facilitate delivery of the shipment by the selected carrier.

Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for placing an order or execute delivery.

The data provided in connection with the order will therefore be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the order (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR), issuing an invoice (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR), including the invoice in the accounting records (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR), as well as for the purpose of dealing with possible complaints concerning the products, including the Administrator's necessity to prove certain facts if necessary (evidence purposes) (Article 6(1)(b and c) GDPR). We may also process your data for archival and statistical purposes (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

Order data will be processed for the time necessary for the execution of the order, and then until the expiry of the limitation period for claims and complaints under the contract. Furthermore, after the expiry of this period, data may still be processed for statistical purposes. Remember also that as a Seller, the Administrator is obliged to keep billing documents with your personal data for 5 years from the end of the tax year in which the tax obligation arose.

In case of order data, you do not have the possibility to correct these data after the order is completed. You may also not object to the processing of the data and demand the deletion of the data until the limitation period for claims under the concluded contract expires. Likewise, you may not object to the processing of data or demand the deletion of data contained in invoices or other billing documents, within which the name of the buyer of the products is required. After the period of limitation for claims under the concluded contract has expired, you may object to the processing of your data for statistical purposes and demand the deletion of your data from the Administrator's database.

In relation to order data, you also have the right to data transfer as referred to in Article 20 GDPR, which basically means that you have the right to receive from the Administrator a summary (excerpt) of personal data processed by the Administrator, in a structured form, according to the requirements of Article 20 GDPR.


If you want to receive our Newsletter and keep up to date with news, super offers, or just know what's going on in Privatina (e.g. news from the so-called backstage), you can subscribe to the Newsletter. Subscribing to the Newsletter is done via the Newsletter subscription form and requires providing your e-mail address. Subscribing to the Newsletter is voluntary, but necessary to subscribe to it.

The data provided when subscribing to the Newsletter shall be used to provide the Newsletter service. The legal basis for their processing is the realization of the Administrator's legitimate interest, which is considered to be direct marketing of own products (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

Data will be processed for as long as the Administrator will be offering the newsletter service, unless you unsubscribe from the newsletter or object to the processing of your data in this respect. Please note that unsubscribing from the newsletter will not result in your data being completely deleted from the Administrator's database. Although we will not send you any more newsletters, your data will continue to be stored in the mailing system in order to defend against possible claims related to the sending of the newsletter (Article 6.(1)(c) and (f) GDPR).

You can correct your data saved in the newsletter database at any time. You also have the right to data portability, as referred to in Article 20 GDPR.

Contacting Privatina

By contacting us with us via e-mail or the contact form on the Store's website, you provide us with your name and e-mail address as the sender of the message. Providing this data is voluntary, but necessary to establish contact. In addition, you may also include other personal data, e.g. body dimensions, in order to select the best matching product.

Your data are processed in this case for the purpose of communicating with you and responding to your enquiry, and the basis for processing is Article 6 (1)(a) GDPR, i.e. your consent resulting from the initiation of contact. In the case of inquiries about products from the Shop before you place an order, the legal basis is also Article 6(1)(b) GDPR (processing is necessary to take action before concluding a contract). The legal basis for processing after the end of the contact is the Administrator's justified purpose in the form of archiving correspondence for the purpose of demonstrating its course in the future (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

The content of the correspondence conducted in this way may be archived. We cannot clearly determine when it will be deleted. However, you always have the right to demand the history of the correspondence (if it has been archived), as well as to demand its removal, unless its archiving would be justified by the Administrator's overriding interest, e.g. to defend against potential claims on your part.

Comments on Facebook, Instagram 

Whenever you leave a comment on social networking platforms managed by the Store, you naturally leave a trace of your profile name on the social networking platform and possibly other data. The basis for the processing of the data in this case is Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, i.e. your consent to interact on social media platforms.

In this case, your data will be processed for the duration of the Administrator's business activity, including maintaining accounts on social media platforms, unless you ask for removal of the comment, which will result in deleting your data from the database.

You also have the right to request the removal of your data from the social media platforms. You can also exercise these rights within your Facebook or Instagram user account directly to the owner of these social platforms, who in this case co-processor of your data.

You also have the right to transfer your data, as referred to in Article 20 GDPR.

Maintenance of registered user account in our Privatina Store

Whether you place an order in our Store or not, you can create an account for a registered user of the Store. It is a free option and convenient enough to give you future insight into your order history or shipment status.

To create an account for a registered user, you need to provide your name, surname and e-mail address.

The data provided in connection with the registration of a user will be processed for the purpose of the Seller's rendering by the Seller of electronic services – i.e. establishment and maintenance of a registered user's account (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR), as well as for the purpose of dealing with any complaints regarding account maintenance (Article 6(1)(b) and (c) GDPR), and possibly for archival and statistical purposes (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

The data will be processed for as long as the Administrator is running his business activity, unless you delete your customer account beforehand. In the last case, however, your data will still be processed until the expiry of the statute of limitations for claims under the contract for the provision of services by electronic means.

In case of maintaining a registered user's account by the Seller, you always have the opportunity to request that your data to be corrected or supplemented, and this actually as long as you have a registered user's account in our Store. However, you may not object to the processing of your data or demand the deletion of your data until the statute of limitations for claims under the concluded contract for provision of services by electronic means.  After the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims under the concluded contract for maintaining a registered user account, your data will be deleted from the Administrator's database.

Here too, you have the right to transfer your data as referred to in Article 20 GDPR.

To whom can we pass your personal data (data recipients)?

Your personal data may be transferred to the Administrator's subcontractors, but only if this proves necessary for the performance of the contract with you, or any other purpose of processing.

Thus, your personal data may be transferred to the following categories of data recipients: IT service providers - shop software, hosting services, e-mail service providers (hosting), courier, postal, accounting, marketing service providers, newsletter operators, or sewing company for the purpose of making your individual tailor made clothing.

These entities guarantee appropriate measures to protect confidentiality and security of personal data in accordance with all legal requirements. Moreover, they may not use the personal data provided to them for purposes other than those for which they were entrusted by the Administrator.

Because we use Google Analytics and Facebook (Facebook Pixel) services, your data may be transferred to the USA for storage on US servers (i.e. outside the scope of the GDPR). However, Google and Facebook guarantee an adequate level of data protection as required by European Union law. These entities use compliance mechanisms such as standard contractual clauses. For more details please see the privacy policy of each of these service providers:

  • Google LLC: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pl
  • Facebook Ireland Ltd: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Is your data safe?

We take all necessary actions and measures to ensure the security of your personal data and to prevent access by unauthorized persons.

In particular, only authorized persons will have access to your personal data. They are also obliged to keep it secret.

Currently, on the Store's website we use redirections to the Store's Facebook and Instagram social networks. If the Shop's website contains links to websites other than those referred to above, we explain that the Administrator is not responsible for the content transmitted by these websites and, if applicable, the way in which these websites collect and process user data. The user is obliged to read the privacy policy or regulations of those sites.


We use mechanisms of "cookies".

What are cookies?

"Cookies" are small text files that record a user's online activity. When you browse and use the Online Shop, cookies are stored on your device, e.g. computer, tablet, laptop or smartphone.

Cookies are divided into temporary (session) and permanent cookies. Session cookies are deleted at the end of a web browser session (when you close it). However, persistent cookies are stored on your device and allow your browser to be recognized the next time you visit the site.

However, we do not automatically collect any information other than that relating to the visit itself: your IP address, domain name, browser type, etc. These data are processed only for the purpose of administering the Shop's website, providing efficient hosting services and are not associated with personal data of individual users.

In particular, cookies are not used to identify users and on their basis we have no way of identifying the user visiting the Shop. Nor do cookies change the configuration of your device, nor do they serve to install or uninstall any program or application on your device. Cookies also do not interfere with the integrity of your system or your data.

What exactly are cookies for?

With Cookies, for example, we can better customize the content of a website so that you can use it more conveniently. Cookies make it easier to navigate the website and allow you to personalize the interface of the page you are browsing - they remember the chosen resolution, content layout or language, for example.

It is thanks to cookies that it is possible to maintain the user's session after logging into the Online Shop. Thanks to this, as a registered user, you will not have to re-enter your login and password on each subpage of the Store.

Cookies also allow us to understand how our customers use the Store's websites, where they have been redirected to it, the number of visits, the time spent on the site (which in turn allows us to improve the Store's structure, content and offer).

We may also use advertising cookies, which enable us to provide you with advertising content more relevant to your interests.

 Your consent for Cookies

Temporary storage of log files and cookies facilitates the use of our Website.

For this reason, users are asked to consent to the use of Cookies by our Store. The granting of the above consent is optional and does not affect the possibility of using the Shop's website. In some cases, however, without giving such consent, the possibility of using the Store's website may be limited to a certain extent.

In addition, in many cases, the software used to browse the web pages (i.e. the web browser you are using) allows cookies to be stored in your device by default. However, you can determine the conditions of use of cookies using the settings of your web browser, in particular, you can disable the cookies mechanism yourself.

Please remember, however, that disabling the mechanism of cookies may cause difficulties or prevent proper and undisturbed use of our Shop.

Third party cookies

Our website also uses features provided by third parties, and this in turn involves the use of cookies from these parties. We use the following solutions in the Online Shop:

Facebook conversion pixel - we use the Facebook pixel to manage Facebook ads and carry out remarketing activities. This is our legitimate business purpose (marketing of our own products and services). Facebook pixel is a small piece of code placed on our website. It helps to measure the effectiveness of ads, shows what actions are taken by Store users and helps to reach a specific group of people (Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights). However, the information collected as part of the Facebook Pixel is anonymous, i.e. it does not allow your identification. However, please know that Facebook may combine this information with other information about you collected as part of your use of Facebook and use it for its own purposes, including marketing.

But we can't influence that anymore. For more information on this, please see Facebook's privacy policy directly at https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation. You can also manage your privacy settings from your Facebook account.

Within the framework of the cookie settings available from the Online Shop's website, you can also decide whether you agree to use Facebook's Pixel.

Google Analytics - we use Google Analytics. This solution is used to analyze the statistics of the website of the Internet Shop. Google Analytics uses its own cookies to analyze the actions and behavior of Store users. Cookies are placed on the user's computer and thanks to them we can see, for example, from which page the user has come to the Shop's website. This tool is provided by Google LLC. Actions taken in the course of using the Google Analytics code are based on the Administrator's legitimate interest, which is the creation and use of statistics. Thanks to Google Analytics we can improve our services and optimize the Shop's pages even better. However, as part of the use of the Google Analytics tool, we do not process any user data, so we cannot identify you as a user.

For more information related to data processing within Google Analytics, please see: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245.

Within the framework of the cookie settings available from the Online Shop website, you can decide whether you agree to the use of Google Analytics.

Plugins directing to social media - on the Shop's website we use plugins directing to social media: Facebook, Instagram.

By clicking on the "Like" or "Share" button with regard to e.g. a post, product or image, information about this activity will be sent directly to the server of the respective service provider and stored there. The purpose and scope of data collection, how these providers (social media platform owners) process the data, your rights in this respect, and your ability to change your privacy settings are described in each provider's privacy policies. The Administrator has no influence on the data processed by these portals.

In addition, by clicking "Like" or "Share", your activity can also be seen by other people from your contact list in the social media platform.

If you do not want the social media platforms to associate the data collected during a visit to the Store's website with your profile in a given service, just log out of that service before visiting the Store's website.

The Administrator reserves the right to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy, and the changes may be caused by, in particular, the development of Internet technology, changes in the generally applicable law or the development of the website of the Shop by, for example, using new tools by the Administrator.

This Privacy Policy shall enter into force on 15.08.2020.